October 1st we headed to Window Rock, our team consisted of Pastor Larry & Susan Lane, Anna Marie Curtis, David Pray, Brian Claassen and Scott Hill.

On the drive we stopped at Cat Walk, NM. A beautiful place to take a hike and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

We started work right away cutting fire wood for the elderly of the Navajo Nation. We spent our days in the woods, looking for dead trees to cut. We loaded our trailers and delivered wood to the ones who needed it.

Scott and David sawing trees.
Brian sawing a tree down.

Filling the trailer with the cut wood.

On our last day there we took a trip to Canyon de Chey. This is Spider Rock.

This is ruins that are down at the bottom of the canyon.

This canyon is an example of the awesome God that we have. He surrounds us with his creative beauty.