Monday, June 17, 2013

Houck, Arizona

"The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed" — Hudson Taylor. Your mission team is obeying the Great Commission and planning a Judea short term mission trip, July 19th-27th, 2013.

A short term mission trip is the mobilization of Christians for a short period of time to visit a specific people or region to spread the Gospel where it is not widely practiced.
Your mission team which includes Larry & Susan Lane, Anna Marie Curtis, Mayetta Wells, Joan Koepping, Otto Richter, Scott & Jeannine Hill, Bill, Cathy & Rachel Stein and myself are partnering with Pastor Tim Scarborough and his youth group (a group of 21) from the Naco Baptist Church. We will be heading to the Navajo Nation in Houck, Arizona.  
Houck was founded by a mail carrier working a route from Prescott to Ft. Wingate in 1877 and he established a trading post called Houck’s Tank. The population is 1,024, of which 95.2% are Navajo. The average education is a high school diploma and the average income is $17,065.00.  The majority of the population is Catholic at 58%, Mormon at 26%, and Southern Baptist 3.2%.
We will be going there to teach VBS “Colossal Coaster” with the Houck Church. This is an opportunity for the church to reach out to the community. The VBS scripture is “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7. We are confident in our Lord that He will fulfill this scripture in each of us.
Our recent cake auction raised funds for this upcoming trip. We would like to thank everyone who donated, attended, contributed and prayed to help make this a success. Special thanks to the mission team for all their hard work and devotion.
We would like you to join in on this short term mission trip by praying for our needs:
o   Pray for our health
o   Pray for Godly and servant attitudes
o   Pray that each member will find a unique way to exercise their spiritual gift
o   Pray that the team will bond together around the purpose of the trip

o   Pray that the team will be built up spiritually
o   Pray for clarity and boldness of speech
o   Pray for adjustments to cultural differences
o   Pray for flexibility as plans change for whatever reason
o   Pray for the children who will attend
o   Pray for the salvation of souls and the strengthening of believers
o   Pray for safety in travel
Thank you for your prayers and God bless